Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Thrift Store Find #2 - Fairy Garden Kitchen Stove

Thrift Store Find of the Day!

I scored this miniature plastic pet crate for 25₵!

What did I do with it?

I’m currently working on my Fairy Garden kitchen area. I really needed a stove or oven and decided to transform this into a place for the fairies to make some delicious food. I painted the crate black. I also painted several wooden blocks from the mini knock-off Jenga game I found at the Dollar Store. I used the blocks to make a stove top. A remnant of a swirly wooden piece was perfect as an ornamental stove pipe. The burners were created from two shower curtain grommets and the knobs crafted from a vintage button and two snaps. Four wooden beads from an old bracelet for feet and the fairies are ready to do some baking!

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