A few tips and tricks on How To Age Wood…without creating a huge mess or being disappointed.
When I first began creating delights for my Fairy
Garden, I used a lot of popsicle sticks. I liked how they were pre-cut and
functioned like mini boards but hated
the way they looked like a kindergartner's craft project. Then, I saw a few posts and
tutorials on how to instantly age wood. I
was so excited! I ran right out and bought steel wool and white vinegar.
I love how the popsicle
stick age using steel wool and vinegar but there was a lot the tutorials and
articles left out. You can create a huge old mess if you’re not careful. So
before you try it at home, read this for some tips and tricks…
1. Buy the right kind of steel wool. There
are a few choices at your local grocery store. Get the kind without soap. I misread the label and had to scour my stove
top and two pans to use up the gooey blue soap in my steel wool. The solution
worked just right anyways, but you will save time and energy by carefully
reading the package.
2. What ratio of steel wool to vinegar is
best? I could not find a single article explicitly stating how much of each
to use. I filled a pint jar with vinegar and added one steel wool pad. This
was perfect.
3. How long do you let the solution sit? Overnight
is best. Just screw the cap on and let it sit. I don’t know if the cap is necessary, but the solution smells like blood and is really strong. This
prevented my whole house from reeking like a crime scene. The next day dip a piece of wood in and see how it "ages." If you like the way
the woods looks, remove the remaining steel wool from your jar. This will keep
your solution from getting darker and darker over time.
4. THIS IS SO MESSY! This solution “ages”
wood because it actually stains the wood. This will also stain your fingers, nails, clothing, moss, counters,
sink and anything else porous. Use gloves! The fingers were the
worst, the skin under my nails was grey-brown for a few days. No matter how
hard I tried, I could not get rid of it. Good news about your counter top, the
stains scrub out using a bleach based cleaner and some steel wool. The best tip is to do this craft outside.
In none of your favorite clothes.
5. This will not stain all wood products.
It will stain popsicle sticks, bamboo skewers and
toothpicks. It will not stain chopsticks from Panda Express or cute
wooden blocks from Michael’s. Use a test piece of wood to see how it reacts to
the stain before you get all of your mini building supplies in order. Also
worth mentioning, if the wood gets wet in your garden the stain can leak and
stain surrounding items, like glue or moss.
That being said, the aging is not
actually “instant”. The final color is not apparent until the wood dries.
This can take an hour or so. Be patient and wait to see how your wood
transforms. I like to dip the wood into the solution the night before I want to
build and let it dry overnight. Please note, wet wood glues horribly.
See how each piece of wood stains differently?
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