Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fairy Garden Mini Life Hack #1 - Gluing Mistakes

Uh-oh! You left a Fairy Garden creation alone to dry and it shifted. You now have something resembling what you intended. But not quite. Here are two tips to transform any gluing mistake into something adorable:

Add a lichen accent. Fairies love moss and lichen and other tidbits from nature. See this impractically adorable Fairy Garden sink cabinet? I positioned the sink in the exact middle, left it to dry and when I returned the shell sink had slid and shifted. Oops. I should have used some popsicle sticks as drying guides but it’s too late now. No need to fret! A strategically placed piece of lichen fills the gap and looks like I intended it to be askew all along!

Add some glitter!  You may not love glitter, but fairies do! Have a gap or a hunk of unsightly dried glue? Add a drop of fresh glue and sprinkle with fairy dust. Tada! You totally meant it to have a glitter accent.

Other fix-it up ideas: Add pebbles, beads, a button, a tiny pine cone or bit of lace. 

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